The Numismatic circular.

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VOL. XV 1907









CJ i 49 LIst /Al | | S/ OF VID


to Vol. XV of the Numismatic Circular, 1907.

Cutty, A. Monckton, H. Woollaston.

CHURCHILL, R. S. Nabrowskl, Prof. R.

Davis, W. J. Nertson, Philip, M. D.

Dawson, W. R. Perini, Cav. Quintilio.

FENTIMAN, H. Ricci, D' Serafino.

Forrer, L. Rozert, Arnold, Député au Conseil des tats suisses. Garsipk, Henry. SCHNEIDER, Baroness Augusta von.

GNECCHI, Comm. Francesco. Spink, Samuel M., Editor of the Nuanismatic Circular.

Hamer, S. H. SYDENHAM, 9. Hanps, Rev. A. W. Waters, Arthur W. Hare, G. E. Winter, Charles.


G.b sae Arto Quaritch, |2. 6.54 8738 3



December 1906 November 1907

Pager | Pages INEDITED COINS : The Obsidional Money of the Great Rebellion 1642-1649, §.M.S. Unpublished Countermarked Dollar, Philip Nelson M. D. 9513, 9889 9783-85 Noble of Henry VI. Countermarked with the arms of Haarlem, La Famiglia Pignatelli e lo Zecchino di Belmonte, Cav. Quin- and Gale 16722 este Wweaecadehieueabey eeeews 9513 HNO SPAN ison care nt nk kee ea ea cue Ad Rare eee a 9825 Unpublished Tetradrachm of Thurium, L.F................ 9705 | Copper Coins of the Ceylon Rajas, R.S. Churchill.............. 9829 Unpublished Countermarked Coins, W. J. Davis. .........- 9761 | The British Imperial Bronze Coinage, Henry Garside....... 9848-50; Unpublished Seventeenth Century Tokens, H. F............ 9889 9909-9911; 10023-10026; 10076-79; 10146-10148; 10206-208 Notes on Unpublished Eighteenth Century Tokens, G.E.Hare. 9908 | Notes on Unpublished Eighteenth Century Tokens, G. E. Hare.. 9908 Chesney Gold Medal. First Award............... 0. cee 99II Common Greek Coins, Rev. A. W. Hands. Two Curious Engraved Tokens in the form of Rings.......... 9912 Magna Graecia : Sybaris... 0... ccc cee eee ee 9514-9519 | I Medaglioni d’oro d’Aboukir, Comm. Francesco Gnecchi........ 9945 Thurimm occ cee 9577-9580 ; 9641-9646 | Australian surcharged and cast tokens, 4. Chilly............. 10019 Siris and Heracleia........ 9705-9709 ; 9761-9765 | Ceylon Dutch Currency, R.S.Churchill.... 0.0... cca 10022 TAGS poe okie Bie ha tet Ch aos 9890-9893 | The Copper Coins of the Ceylon Rajas, R.S.Churchill........ 10079 Poserdonia.........0.4.. 9948-9953, 10001-10004 | The Amenities of Coin Collectors, Comm. Francesco Gnecchi.... 10148 VOUNG tae chicbgh ceed Boao 10057-10063 COU ONE ns baie a Gade aes tues 8% I1OI2I-10124 CHIME ec 2e Ate aveb ays nimtakeees 10185-10194 VARIA BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF MEDALLISTS, CoIn-, GEM-, AND SEAL- ENGRAVERS, ANCIENT AND MODERN, WITH REFERENCES TO THEIR In Memoria di Solone Ambrosoli.................. se eainaes 9573 Works, B.C. 500-A.D. 1900, L. F. M. Chaplain’s medal of President Falli¢res.................... 9636 Diego Martin Massonnet............-.-+---- 9520-9528 | Nickel Coinage for France ......--ceeeccccccecccecceeees 9636 André Arthur Massoulle—J. Mayer............ 9580-9602 | M. Ovide Yencesse’s medal of the Society of “« Arbitrage interna- Wilhelm Mayer and Frantz Wilhelm J. L. Meisson- MOHAN Cle Cite a net ena Neca dence eed arian 9636 nier........ es eh a tei ++ 9646-9659 | Gift of Coins to the British Museum by Dr F. Parkes Weber.... 9700 Georg Meissner Paul Merker..........-...-. 9710-9726 | For numismatists..........00..cccccccececuceeucceeuccees 9757 Hans Merkhenbach Alphonse Michaux........ 9766-9783 | Aus der Geschichte des Platins............0cecceeeeeee Lee. 9884 Robert Michaux Lowe Mirowicz............. 9831-9848 | Portrait de M. Loubet par Georges Lemaire...............04. 9885 Albert Ernest Miserey Gaspare Mola.......... 9893-9908 | Une médaille commémorative de Inauguration de la nouvelle Paolo Antonio Mola Moore...........+...-- 9953-9964 Monnaie fédérale A Berne.........0.0. 0. ce cece eu ceeeecees 9939 James Moore Morviller..............+.-5. 10004-10018 | The Royal Mint in 1906........ 0... cc cece ee eee ccoreeeees 9940 Giovan Maria Mosca Louis Eugene Mouchon. 10064-10076 Dagger: MONG Yaesu ys Ben auton Palanan ated--eaekwa 9940 Louis Philippe Mouchy M. Z............. 10125-10146 | Doctor’s Degree conferred on Mr. Julius Meili. .............. 9941 N Johann Lorenz Natter........ ae ae, 10194-10206 | Exposition de la Toison d’Or 4 Bruges...............0...000- 9941 Denmark’s novel method of keeping green the memory of the late PAPERS OF GENERAL NUMISMATIC INTEREST Kine “Conistiaticcctauaeitiw eshte twewuecade hae bate Shoe 9941 Le rapport sur ]’Administration des monnaies et médailles de Paris. 99.41 Some Medallic Portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, L. F..... 9529-9532 | Gravure en médailles et sur pierres fines............. 0.00005 9914 Schillers Beziehungen zur Miinzenkunde, R. Nadrowski.... 9602-9604 | Le Musée historique de la Chaux-de-Fonds devalisé. .......... 9787 Coins and medals at the Milanese Exhibition, Augusta von Who watits-PEnnies ? 6 6 sa eaes seats Soe. cee ea Ss Sed bare cdeaas IOLI7 SCUNGIA Ei ie ka a kN dv tae ate as Sarasa de ute ala Sa don eat 9660) TEialOr Meh VK. ino csi ta cseunio time eames toehiee. IOII7 A Rare Scottish Halfcrown, H. W. Monckton............0..06-. 9661 | Commemorative Medal of the Battle of Morgarten by Huguenin Robert Orchard and his portrait-token, Arthur HW’, Waters...... 9728 fréres ............ ee ee ee ere 10179


Index to Volume XV

vil Pages The New Indian Nickel Coins................. 0.00 cece 10179 La Société archéologique de Namur.....................04. 10179 Commemorative medal of Garibaldi’s Centenary.............. 10234 CORRESPONDENCE Notes on Private Tokens, S. H. Hamer... 2... 00.0.0 ce een 9536

Why and when was the thistle put on Scotch Coins ? acy, 9664, 9665

Robert Orchard and his portrait-token, Arthur W. Waters. 972839851 Half a Guinea payable at Robt Wilson’s, Sowerby Bridge, Od a AAQINEL 2 canes areca ne boas ea Ree eae Pn es 9851

Se SVG UI xs airs ache oie es Sieh ara ae Sot Sal Bead Gare as 9969 REVIEWS Various Authors, Corolla Numismatica, L. F...............0.. 9532 Solone Ambrosoli, Atlante numismatico italiano, L. F.... ...... 9726 G. F. Hill, Historical Greek Coins, L. F.................. 9726 Prof. Kurt Regling, Die Griechischen Miinzen der Sammlung

WY ALGCO Sloe Pe oooh oes wig aah eh ae ies eat 9727 P. Bramsen, Médaillier Napoléon le Grant. a Fa astra te weed 9789 Hermann von Heyden, Ehrenzeichen der Erloschenen und Blahenden

Staaten Deutschlands und Oesterreich-Ungarns. II. Nachtrag,

19075 Lek tees SiGay wees os peas & aewhoere eke waa 9789 Quintilio Perini, Le Monete di Merano, L. F.................. 9789 Julius Meili, Die Werke des Medailleurs Hans Frei in Basel. L. F.

9789 Philip Nelson, The Obsidional Money of the Great Rebellion 1642-

$649: SM Oia bait steele GA We ies AI wee Ae aaa 9783 Mle M. G. A. de Man, Catalogus der Numismatische Verzameling

van het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen, L. F... 10028 Paul Joseph, Die Miinzen von Worms, L. F..............-4.. 10028 Conte Papadopolt, Le Monete di Venezia, L. F................ 10080 Rev. A. W. Hands, Common Greek Coins, W.R. D........... IO152

NEW BOOKS, MAGAZINES, CATALOGUES, &c. American Numismatic & Archaeological Society Journal....... 9787 Battaglie di Archeologia................ 9789, 9970, 10030, 10153

9538, 9606, 9666, 9729, 9788, 9852, 9914, 9916, 10029, 10153

Blatter fir Miinzfreunde...

Berliner Miinzblatter..... 9605, 9607, 9667, 9730, 9789, 9915, 9916, 9971, 10083, 10153, 10209

Bulletin de numismatique........... 00... 0c ce eee eee eee 9539, 9788 Bolletino di Numismatica...... 9606, 9729, 9788, 9852, 9915, 9971, 10029, 10083, 10153, 10154

Calendario d’Oro.................6. 9666, 9730, 9787, 9789, 9853 Correspondant du Collectionneur...... Riiela Sinden, (a. sarue iis 9788

Frankfurter Minzzeitung............ 9538, 9605, 9665, 9729, 9788, 9852, 9914, 9970, 9971,10083, 10209

Journal des Collectionneurs........... 9539, 9666, 9730, 9788, 9852, 9971, 10029 9853, 10029 10029, 10209

Journal international d’archéologie numismatique....... Gazette numismatique....... 9539, 9665, 9788, 9916, Gazette numismatique francaise... 1.0... eee eee ee eee Monatsblatt der Numismatischen Gesellschaft in Wien,... 9539, 9606, 9665, 9729, 9788, 9916, 9970, 9971, 10029, 10083, 10153, 10209 Mitteilungen der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fiir Mtinz-und Medaillen- kunde.... 9538, 9606, 9666, 9729, 9788, 9853, 9916, 9971, 10029, 10083, 10153


9970 |

Pages Minchner Miinz-Verkehr...... 9606, 9666, 9730, 9788, 9914, 9971, 10209

Musée, Le....... 9539, 9606, 9666, 9729, 9787, 9853, 9916, 10029, IOI 53

Numismatic Chronicle................... 9666, 9788, 9971, 10153 Numismatische Correspondenz....... 9606, 9667, 9789, 9916, 101 53 Numismatist....... 9539, 9607, 9666, 9729, 9788, 9853, 9915, 9970,

10029, 10084, 10153, 10209 9°39, 9607, 9667, 9730, 9788, 9883, 9914, 9915, 10209

Numismatische Mitteilungen ....

Numismatisches Literatur-Blatt.................. 9667, 9788, 10209 Numismatischer Verkehr..................02000- 9727, 9915, 10083 Numismatikai K6zlony................... 9606, 9729, 9915, 10030 O Archeologo Portugués...........0.. 0.0 cee eee eeee 9666, 10029 Rassegna numismatica................000. 9607, 9853, 9915, 10209 Revue numismatique..................-. 9539, 9730, 9970, 1015 3 Revue suisse de numismatique.............. 0c eee e cece e eee 9607 Revue beige de numismatique............ 9667, 9853, 10019, 10209 RiViSt@ araid Cav. no 4:5 steeds os baka he cawat was. 9606, 10030, 10083 Rivista italiana dinumismatica... 9605, 9788, 9915, 9916, 10083, 10210 Zeitschrift fir Miinz-und Medaillenkunde.................... 9853 NUMISMATIC SOCIETIES, MUSEUMS, &c.

Royal Numismatic Society....... 2+» 9537, 9604, 9664, 9785, 9851,

9912, 9965, 10026 British Numismatic Society.......... 9538, 9663, 9785, 9913, 9966,

10027, 10081

Société francaise de numismatique......... 9786, 9852, 9913, 10027

Frankfurter Numismatische Gesellschaft................ 9662, 9664 Hamburger Verein der Miinzfreunde..................000000 9662 Numismatische Gesellschaft zu Posen..............-.00c0e0ee 9662 American Numismatic and Archceological Society.............. 9728 Le Musée historique de la Chaux-de-Fonds dévalisé............ 9787 Aus dem Ziircher Kiinstlerhaus, April 1907................ 2. 9913 Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge................0000 000 cues 9965 Académie des Inscriptions............. eee ere re 10028 Societa numismatica italiana... ....... 0.00... eee eee eee .. 10082 Société archéologique de Namur...............0 00 eee eeeeee 10179 OBITUARY Allan\- Wy OW: secsictns oh ie te euw ia? weed caee hues a bleu 9729 Jean Emile Henri Sarriau.............0. ccc cc cceceeeee cee 9790 Professor Dt Hans Riggauer............. 00000 c eee ee ce ee 9967 Frank Sherman Benson............ 0.0... ccc cece uccececcecus 9968 Edward Grose Hodge............ 00... c cece e cee cee ceeeus 9968 Félix Bienaimé Feuardent..........00 0.00.00. c cece ee ees 1¢208 Dr Phil. Julius Meili... .. 0.0... ck cece cc ee eee ne 10208 Car AW e-DonaZio VIEZL 6:9 kb i areeaed doh boobs aaa 10209 PUG USNS SU. AGIUMENS are sie. cincndn yaa PS eRe aaa bene eres 10235 AUCTION SALES Miinchener Miinzauktion, 6. u. 7. Dezember 1906............. 9665 Frankfurter Minzauktion (Wilmersdorffer III)................ 9853 FINDS Discovery of over 600 Roman coins on the Little Orme........ 9727 Trouvaille de monnaies a Saint-Quentin.................000 9790 PETEAS ULE TN TOVC 64 See innsare cea uceiees oe betas atin bee cue ees 9938 Find of bronze strips in the Scarborough Castle yard well...... 9940

Index to Volume




SICILY SVTACUSE ounce ease 9540-9544 MACEDON Orrescit, Neapolis, Eion, Lete, Aegae, Bisaltae..... 9607-9608

Orthagoreia, Acanthus, Chal- cidian League........ 9667-68


Alexander I, Perdtccas II,

Archelaus I, Amyntas III. PUD A inc 36 oe cyte oice Alexander III Magnus...... POU AL 23 otemascks nba’ Demetrius Poltorcetes, Anti-

gonus Doson, Antigonus

9668 9731 9791 9792

Gonalas, Philip V, Perseus. 9854 KINGS OF PAEONIA Patraus, Andoleon......... 9855 Macedon under the Romans 9855-56 THRACE Aenus, Maronea. ...... 9916-17

Abdera, The Thracian Cher- sonese, Thasos, Byzantium, UH avec btesa bas 9972-73 Thracian Kings and Dynasts 2. ROMAN Cassia, Claudia........... 9544 Cloulta, Clovia, Coelia, Con- stdia, Coponia, Cordia, Cor- OLD ois bode is eb core 9608-10

Crepereta, Crepusia, Cu- ptennia, Curtia, Didia, Do- mitia, Egnatia, Egnatulesa, Eppia, Fabia, Farsuleta, laminia, Fonteia, Fufia. 9668-69

Fundania, Fulvia, Furia, Gallia, Herennia, Horatia,

Hosidia, Hostiha, Julia.. 9732 PRO 5 ooo ee Sha dts white nid 9792 Licimia, Livineta, Lollia, Lu-

cilia, Lucretia, Lutalia,

Maenta, Mallia, Mamilia,

(Lystmachus).......... THESSALY

Aentanes, Lamia, Larissa, Oetaei, Pharsalus, Pherae,

ILLYRIA Apollonia, Dyrrbachium, Da- masttum..... 2... ee 10154-55 EPIRUS Ambracia, Epirote Republic, CONC es Gentes 8S aes ACARNANIA Anaclorium, Argos Ampinlo- chicum, Leucas, Thyrrbe-

ium, The Acarnanian 1015 5-6


AETOLIA The Aetolian League...... LOCRIS

Locri Opunltt.......0664% PCC Serna: och raat we

9856-57 Marcia, Maria, Memmaa, Mescinia..... ...6.. 9917-18 Minuecta, Mucia, Mussidia, Naevia, Nasidia, Neria, Nonia, Numonia..... 9973-74 Opimia, Pedania, Petilia, Pe- tronia, Ptinarta, Plaetorta, Plancia, Plautia...... 1031-32 Pompeia, Pompoma.... 10086-87 Porcia, Postumia, Procilia, Quinctia, Roscia, Rubria, Rubellia............ 10156-7 Satriena, Scribonia, Servilia, Sicinia, Sulpicia, Tituria, Tullia, Valeria, Vettia, V1- bia, Volteta........ 1O2II-13


Elagabalus, Julia Paula, Aquilia Severa, Julia Soae- muas, Julia Maesa....... 9545 Alexander Severus, Orbiana, Julia Mamaea. ...... 9610-12

Maximinus, Paulina, Maxi- mus, Gordianus I. and II., Balbinus, Pupienus... 9670-72 Gordianus ITl.......... 9733-35 Philip I, Otacilia, Philip IT. 9793795 Trajan Decius, Etruscilla, Herennius Etruscus, Hosti- lianus, Trebonianus Gallus. s 9857-59 Volusianus, Aemilianus, Va- lertianus Senior, Mariniana, Gallienus, Salonina, Vale-

rianus Juntor........ 9918-20 Saloninus, Macrianus Juntor, Quielus, Postumus, Marius, Aurelianus, Severina, Au- relianus and Vaballathus, Florianus, Probus, Carus, Carinus. Magnia Urbica, Nigrinianus......... 9974-76 Diocletian, Diocletian and Constantius Chlorus, Maxi- mianus Hercules..... 1033-35 Carausius, Allectus, Domitius Domitianus, Constantius Chlorus, Helena..... 10087-89 Galerius Maximtanus, Vale- ria, Severus II...... 101 58-60 Maximinus IT Daya, Maxen- fius, Romulus,..... 1021 3-216


POUS: XV teas fc ietc seers 9547 LOWS AVF os ces aca 9612 Napoleon | oc53 eich i ee ewes 9672 Louts XVI 2 chee in ees 9735 Charles X Second Republic. 9795 Miscellaneous Testoons...... 9859 GERMAN SERIES

Liegnitz-Brieg, Lippe-Del-

oad. Pita Wer -

theim, Ltibeck.......4... 9548 Magdeburg, Mayence, Mecklen-

PUY Osiocech Sy asta tial 9672-73 Montfort, Munster, Nassau,

Noslitz, Nuremberg...... 9736 Oldenburg, Ortenburg, OI-

mulz, Paar, Paderborn, The

Palatinate, Passau, and

PrUsSIA. 6c ee 9796-97 Quedlinburg, Ratisbon, Reuss,

Cronies Silesia.. 9859-60 Speyer, Stolberg, Stralsund,

Lesstonic Order, Trautson. 9923

Saxony al Branch, Saxe-Altenburg, Saxe-Go- tha, Saxe-Meiningen, Saxe- Weimar-Etsenach, Saxe-Co- burg-Saalfeld, Saxe-Coburg-

Gotha, Saxe-Weimar). 9980-81 Saxony Sailie Branch, d, Kingdom of Saxo-

ce Heke tied ees 10089-91 Treves, Ulm, Waldeck u. Pyrmont, Westphalia, Wur-

temberg, Wirzburg.. 10161-62 Anhalt, Antwerp, Auersperg,

Augsburger. cc cccceeee 10217

A Collection of Continental Dollars (mostly modern Issues).....


MAAN Joie hd Sh Sane te anehs 9548 Malta..... alas es ohn 9674-76 Messerano, Mesocco, Messina. 9737 MANA ei ok serie Sin: oteaes 9861-65 Mirandola...... 6. .0..004. 9922 Modena..... 0.00.00 eee 9922 MONGCO gaccsa se ced re eae ranked 9923 Montalto..... 0... 0. eee 9923 NODS icc al een tees ee 9976-80 INGCOSUD hich hi ede 1003 5 Palma, Nova, Perugia, Pesaro,

Pisa, Piacenza....... 1091-92 PONG elie 2 ne geek cabs 10160 Ragusa, Ravenna, Reggio, Re-

segno, Rimini, Rod’. Rogo-

redo, Roma......... 10214-16

POLAND Kings of Poland........ 9860-61 RUSSIAN SERIES Peter the Great Alexan-

Ot AT acs Hace tories 9613-15 SCANDINAVIAN SERIES Denmark ..........5. 10218-19 SWISS SERIES

Lucerne, Lausanne, Lugano,

Morat, Murt.......... 9549

Neuchatel. .........00- 9673-74 St. Gall, Schaffhausen. ... 9796


Portrait-medals of painters

and sculptors... ........ 550 French historical and person-

al medals........... 9615-16 Large gold medals of various

SEOUES, «tase a etectns: eat Bah 9738 Swedish medals... ....... 9798


South American dollars of

various Slates.......... 9549 United States of America

Gold currency).... LO1lo

me DSiloerure IOIII-13

(Nickel, Bronze, Cop-


Gupta Gold Coins ....... 9616 Indo-seythic Gold Coins.... 9617 Singhalese Gold Coins..... 9617 Moburs of Hindustan Rulers. 9617

Gold Coins of the Amawee, Abbassee, Fatimee Khalee- febs, Ayookees, Babree Memlooks, Burjee Mem-


Standard Works on German Numismatics ........0 List A—T Miscellaneous...

Canton Wallis (Sitten).... 9861 VAST Gee Pee rene ee 9861 VA ad eee ee? 9920-22 Shooting Thalers......... 10091 Helvelic Republic...... 10162 Swiss Confederation....... 10163 10036-38 Napoleonic medals insilver. 9982-83 Martin Luther medals... 10092-93 German Instorical and per-

sonal medals....... 10163-65 Danish medals,.......... 10219 Miscellaneous _portrait-me-

GS aks eka or toes wees 10220

per, &c. ; Connecticut, Ken-

tucky, Massachuscets, New

Jersey, New York, Penn-

syluama, Vermonl, Wash-

ingion; Hard Times

Tokens)....... 4.6. 1017375

looks, Murabiteen, Ghaz-

NWEWCES oc ote ee 9676-77 Miscellaneous List... 9739, 10165 Stlver Rupees of Akbar, @c. 9923 Portuguese Colonial coins of

GOR OCs eo Meueea es 10093-94 Bactria and India........ 10220 PAPDIG a, tase eauied Sano 10221 List D—G Miscellaneous... 9677 List A—H Miscellaneous. 9739-41;



Index to Volume




List H—Z Miscellaneous... 9799- 9801

List A—C Miscellaueous. 9924-25; 9983-84



English, Scottish and Irish coins in A’ and &.. 9554-56 A’. Henry IV. —George IV. 9618-19 AR. Henry IV.—William IV



Early British—Wilham IV, in Nand &......... 9677-80 James I.—Viclorta...... 9741-44

Early British—Victoria.. 9801-3 N. Edward [II.— —George

Eatin eres anaes 9865-6 AR. William 1.—Victoria ;

Gun Money.......... 9866-7 Al. Edward UI.—IWilliam

DD cso dere teatet oe eed: Staged 9925

AR. [William I—Vicetoria. fE. George II.— William IV. A’. James II.—Victorta...

9925-26 9926 9984



Uninscribed........0005. Inscribed : Antedrigus. Tin- commius, Verica, Dubno- vellaunus, Addedomaros, Icent, The Brigantes, Ring MONON tied Beeler ag iar


Five Guineas. 9621, 22, 23, 9680,


Two Guineas....... 9621-22-23, 9680, 10101-2

Guineas ...... 9622-23, 9680-81, IOIOI-2

Half-Guineas.. 9622-23, 9680-81, IO1OI-2

Quarter-Guineas........ 9680-81 Seven Shilling Pieces. 9681, 10103 Five Pounds. .....2....4.. 9682 Three Pounds....... 9553, 10099 [wo Pounds,.......... 9681-82 Sovereigns .... . 9081-82, 9927,

9928, 9986, 9987, 10042, 10097, 10103

Half-Sovereigns .. 9681-82, 9928, 9986, 9987, 10043, 10103

Nobles. . 9804-6, 9870-74, 9929 Half- “Nobles... ... 9805-6, 9872-3 Quarler-Nobles.. 9805-6, 9871-73 Angels.... 9552-3, 9872-4, 9927, 9929, 9987, 10042, 10043,

10097, 10099

Half-Angels... 9874, 9927, 9929,

10042, 10043

Quarter-Angels. . 9929; 10043

Double Sovereign... 9987 Laurels, U niles, and Ryals. 9551-2, 9553, 9620, 10042, 10096-97- 98-99, 10100

af U0 & sce sicasys 9552, 9554,



Pages _List G—H Mascellaneous.. 10039 List P—T Miscellaneous... 10095 Standard Works on Greek Numismatics. ...... 10222-23 AR. Aethelred II. —Edward VUE os ae se atahemsc tae 9984-85 Al. Edward IIJ.—Victoria. 10039-40 &. Edward IlI.—Victoria. 10040-41 A’. Edward III.—Victoria. 1009 5-96 AR. Canute—Victoria..... 10096 Al. Ancient British Victoria 10167-68 AR. Aethelbearht of Wessex -—Victoria.... . 10168-10172 N. Richard II.—Edward VT is ction soa a ened 10223-25 AR. Cynethryth of Mercia— Victoria... .....00.. 10225-29 #E. Charles I.—George III 10229 Quarter Unites.... 0 ...... IOIOO Broads...... 9621, 10100, IOIO!I Half-Broads..... .. 9621, IOI101 Half- Laurels............ 10097 Quarter- Laurels.......... 10097 Double Crowns.......... 9620 Crowns... 9552, 9620-21, 9928, 9986, 9987, 10042, 10098-99, IOIOI Half-Crowns....... 9929, 9987,

10043, 10098


Edward III............. 9804-5 Richard IT............. 9805-6 Henny TY a eae eee 9870 HI Loc pe ia S Sas 9871 ONIN Vl onvece mera hinnas 9871 Bdward IV oo sci 4 Genes 9873 Richard Llc vece sete 9874 PLCNEY Vit oie ums raha 9927 Henry VIII........... 9927-29 Edward VI............ 9986-87 MOI ck hace ne Saas 10042 Philip and Mary......... 10042 Elizabeth .........004. 1004 2-3 JAMS Toss aaucaiiied ox 10096-98 Charles I.. 9550-54, 10098-10100 Commonwealth..... 9620, 10100 Cromwell......... 9621, 10100 Charles digs koa 9621, IO1O! Vanes TL oss hha 9622, IOIOI William and Mary.. 9622, 10101 William IlI....... 9622, IOIOI 72 LL Sa ae ee ee 9623, 10102 GORGE Thai 4d 9680, 10102 George II......... 9680, 10102 George III......... 9681, 10102 George _IV......... 9981, 10103 Wilham IV....... 9682, 10103 Victoria... ... 2.60 9682, 10103



Silver Coins of the Iceni ; Epaticus ; Cunobeline E, &c




Anglo-Saxon Sceattas..

berht, Eanred, Aethelred I,

9867-68 Northumbrian St hay (Ecgfrith, Eaa-

Redwulf, Osberht).. 9868-69 Archbishops of York (Eanbald i.



POUNDS os Stee ee eek 9808 Half-Pounds ............. 9808 CROWNS we Seb eet: 9745-6; 9806-

8; 9875; 9930; 9988; 10043-44; 10103-4

Halfcrowns....... 9746-7 ; 9809- 13; 9875 39931; 9988-89 ; 10044 ; 10105-6

PONS oes icin eee: 10106 Double Florins........... 10104 Testoons and Shillings..... 97-47- SixpenceS... 12.24. peee 9749-513

9815-16; 9876; 9932; 9990-91 ; 1045-46, 10108-101 10

Groats. .. ccc c cc cee 9562-64, 9626-28, 9684 88

Half Groats........... 9565-66, 9628, 9690-9698 Threepences.......... 9688-9690 ee Sh ean nce hae Were 9876-77 Farthings...........4. 9877-78


Edward I. and IT.......... 9877 Edward III... 9562, 9565, 9878 Richard II..... 9563, 9565, 9878 PLOY: Vs cate G8 gate 9563, 9565 Henry V1.......... 9563, 9566 Edward IV......... 9626, 9628 Edward V..... 0... ee eee 9628 Richard M1 isda eet ates 9628 Henry VII.... 9684, 9690, 9876 Perkin Warbeck........... 9685

Henry VIII... 9685, 9690, 9747. 9876

Edward VI... 9686 9688, 9691, 97453 9746, 9747, 9749, 9877 MOVs go bavadates as 9686, 9692 Philip and Mary.... 9686, 9692, 9748, 9750 Elizabeth. ... 9687, 9688, 9692, 9746, 9747, 9748, 9750, 9871 James 1 9692, 9746, 9747, 9749, 9751, 9877 9687, 9689, 9692, 9806-16, 8977

CharlesI ....

49; 9813-15; 9876; 9931-32; 9989-903; 10044-45; 10101-8 Commonwealth..... 9693, 9875, 9876, 9877

Cromwell..... 06... 9875, 9876

Charles IIT.... 9688, 9690, 9693, 9939, 9931, 9932 James IT. 9930, 9931, 9932, 9933 William and Mary... 9988, 9989,


9 William III... 9988, 9989, 9990

Wigmund)......... 5. 9870 PANNOSS Givin 6G ore bem ae 1004 3-46 George I...... 10103, 10105, 6

10o108 George II.. 10104, 10105, 10107, 1O108 George III.. 10104, 10105, 10107 IO10g George IV.. 10104, 10105, 10107, IO10g Wiliam IV. 9688, 10104, 10105, 10108, 9 Victoria.... 9688, 10104, 10105, 10106, 10108-9

Edward VII............


(English, and Irish). Aberystuith... 9687, 9689, 9693, 9814 Bristol.. 9564, 9627, 9628, 9686,

87, 9693, 9810, 9814, 9816, 9873, 9983, 9989, 9990

Calais.......6..4. - 9564, 9566 Canterbury... ...... 9628, 9686,

9690, 91 Carrickfergus . . 9557 Chester... 9689, 9810, 9989, 9990 CON Ris Stee Reals Canasta testes 9558 Coventry...... 9627. 9810, 9873 Dublin... 9557, 9558-62, 9624-


Downpatrick. .........4.. 955 : DirOgned oi boeere hoes) 9560 Exeter... 9687, 9689, 9693, 9807,

9810, 9814, 9816, 9989, 9990 Limerick... 0.00.0 cee 9558-62

London.. 9562, 9563, 9564, 9565- 66, 9626, 9628, 9685,

9688, 9690, 91, 9873

Norwich. 9627, 9873, 9989, 9990, 9991

Oxford.. 9687, 9689, 9807, 9808, 9811, 9815, 9816, 10099-10100 Salisbury 5 Saou Becateaenatas a 9689, 9812 Sadia ela. te Sis 9808, 9812 Tower. 9689, 9806, 9809, 9813, 9815, 10098-9

Waterford.. 9557, 9558-62, 9623 Weymouth..... 9812, 9815, 9816 York... 9563, 9564, 9565, 9627,

9628, 9686, 9688, 9689, 9690, 91, 9813, 9815, 9816, 9870, 9873, 9989, 9990,9991


Briot... 9693, 9807, 9810, 9814,



Index to Volume


James I. George I..........005.


Ring Money, Imitations of Pennies of and Edward the Confessor ; Sibtric III. ; John, Lord baat ; King John; Henry II. ;

5 ichard

Aethelred I.

enry VE. ; Edward IV.;


ee ee ee ee 10230-32

III. Various mints.. 9556-9562 Henry VII.,HenryVI1I1.,

Edward VI........ 9623-9626

Mary James I..... 9682-9684


Sumatra, Pulu Penang, Straits Settlements, Java, Hong Kong, Mauritius, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Mombasa, New England, Baltimore, Annapolis. 9566-9570 Newfoundland, Canada, Bar- badoes, Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago, Guadaloupe, Dominica, Briltsh Guiana. 9629-9631 Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Saint Saints, Montserrat, Grenada, Tortola, Saint Martin, British Honduras, Australia, Guernsey, Jer-

sey, Isle of Man...... 9694-97 Gibraliar, Malta, Ionian

Islands, Cyprus, Bombay,

Bengal, Madras....... 9751-54 India (generally), Ceylon,

Sumatra... cc... 9816-19

Pulu-Penang, Malaya,Straits Selllements, Java, Hon Kong, Sarawak, Brits North Borneo, Brunet, Maurilius.......4...

Gold Coast, Sterra Leone, St. Helena, Cape Colony, Griqua Town, Mombasa, East Africa, American Plantations, Carolina, Rosa Americana, Virginia, New- foundland, Nova Scotia. 9933-36

New Brunswick, Prince Ed- ward’s Island, Magdalen Island, Canada.......

Antigua, Bahama, Barbadoes, Bermudas, Jamaica, St. Kitts, St. Nevis, Tobago, Saints, St. Eustatius, Tri. nidad, British Honduras,

British Guiana, Australia. 10046-50






it) of India, South Africa, India 1895; South Africa orth West Canada, 1899-1902; Mascell-

Nigeria, Canada, ANCOUS.. 0... cece 9819-22 Ashanti, Baltic, Turkish Military General Service, Crimea, Miscellaneous Naval General Service,

medals,Charlered Company of South Africa, West PIED is tp Sass aac mages Miltary General Service, Naval General Service, Naval Long Service and Good Conduct, Battle of Trafalgar, Officer’s Rare

India General Service, West Africa, Miscella- neous, Books......... Military General Service, Naval General Service, Groups, Miscellaneous... 9936-38 Military General Service, Army of India, Army of the

9570-73 9881-84

GIOUD wise be wants 9631-36 Sullej, Army of the Pun-

Indian General Service, jab, Indian “Mutiny, Indian Muliny, West Africa, Special Offer......... 9994-96 Afghanistan 1842, Scinde, Miscellaneous... 100503; 10113-115 Aeanisien 1878-80, Orders of Knighthood... 0116-117

Sudan, Jellalabad 1842,

Gwalior 1843, Arctic Dis-

coveries, Groups.... 9697-9700 Afghan, Jellalabad, Sutley,

Punjab, Canada General

Service, Canada, China,

Life Guards, Dragoon

Guards, Hussars, Lancers,

Light Dragoons, Royal

Horse Artillery, Bengal

Horse Artillery, oc... 10176-10179

Egypt, Groups, Miscell- Grenadier Guards, Scots ANCOUS. 1. we eee 9754-57 Guards, 18%* Foot 18th Walerloo; New Zealand; Foot, Miscellaneous... 10232-34


9574, 9636, 9700-02, 9757-8, 9822; 9886; 9942; 9996-98; 10051-54; 10118 ; 10180-82, 10235-38



Pages Stater of Sybaris: (before B.C. $10) s0:6. ce noctwndviewerwve nd 9518 Drachm, and Obols (2) of Sybaris.......... 00... cee eee ees 9519 Didrachim ‘of THUrUMm vis ian ¥baonteew tea sie ekoa tees es 9641 Tetradrachm of Thurium.,....... 0.0... . cece cece ee eee 9642 Tetradrachm of Thurium in signor bar. S. Virzi’s collection.... 9705 Copper. Coin of Adranumtss.c 554 ccdencsnset vane oases 9705 Didrachms of Heracleia (3), various types................45. 9708 Didrachinvof Heracleias: 20¢co0u 6t0ad x cht eetiasiaaguwates 9762 Copper Coins (2) of Ceylon Rajas............. 0... e eee eee 9830 Cameo-portrait of King René of Anjou................. fee ee = 9835 Coinsof aus (3). cdo ct bots wots be hates ss 9891-92 Archaic Stater of Poseidonia............. 00. ccc cece eens 9951 Stater of Poseidonia: Cll) ihvcien nce thas dean, Savienesanas 9951 Velian Didrachms of Molossos (4)-- iia matte a hte Satter ad od 2 9956-57 Drachnrof Posidonia..vtee ate fn estat ne one sees Dh 10002 Diobol and #E coin of Posidonia........... ikea antes oa Chins 100C 3 We. COInS.(2)'Of Pacstuni 5.0 Goccak cash eerea cia ae tegees 10003-4 Drachms and Didrachms of Velia (6)............-.-.0000- 10061-63 Stater of Posidonia (Period II).......... 2... 005 cee cee ewes 10124 Portrait-Genv bY MY CON. tyne eh vtaes ie edeeke dates 10143 Tetradrachm of Agrigentum, signed MYR.................... 10144 Aureus of Vespasian, RL. Cow....... cece cece eee eee ees 10145 Didrachm of Heraklea...... ............ nas tee utah nat one 1OI45 Venus riding on a swan, cameo by Myrton..............000- 1OI45 Didrachms of ‘Camae (2) i33.24.0s oe snadhaw een ay Wes Dace IOI9I, 10192 Portrait-intaglio of Francis | of France, by Matteo dal Nassaro.. 10198 Half-figure of Pallas, cameo by Valerio Belli................. 10203 ENGLISH COINS AND MEDALS

Noble of Henry VI. countermarked with the arms of Haarlem, ANGAte 157 9s so eo eas eating a: Rew devs meee 9513 Jeton or Pattern Coin of Francis II. and Mary Stuart...... 9521, 9523 Portrait of Sir Richard Martyn, by Stephen of Holland........ 9524 Pattern Halfcrown of Queen Elizabeth, 1602................. 9524 Medallic Portraits of Mary, Queen of Scots (13).......... 9529-9532 Ryal of Mary, Queen of Scots........ 0... 0060 ce ece eee eee 9554 Badges (2) presented for Naval services in 1653.......... 9571-9572 A Rare Scottish Halfcrown. ........ . cc cece e eee eee eens 9661 Smithfield Token issued by Robert Orchard................. 9728

Countermarked Half Crown of William III, Cark Cotton Works, 07a -crara endo eee E aMAna se Arb eaerd tate 8 eae. Sane eis Mae 8 9761 Countermarked 4/6 Dollar of the Cark Cotton Works,1787.... 9761 Unpublished Penny (in tin) of the Spence type of Tokens...... 9761

Obv. of Two Pound piece of George IV, 1823, by J. B. Merlen. 9766

Trial for the Rt. of Wyon’s Pattern Crown, by J. B, Merlen... 9767 The British Crown offered to William of Orange, 1688....... 977

Pistole of George III, 1767, by Lewis Pingo................. 9778 George IV, Pattern Crown, by Mills.............. ......... 9840

Medal on the Battle of Talavera, 1809, by Mills and Lafitte. 9841, 10129


: Pages Portrait-medal of Queen Caroline, by Mills................4. ; 9841 Barbadoes Penny, 1788, by Milton..................50-5-- 9842 George III, Thanksgiving Service at St. Paul’ s, 1797, by Milton . 9843 Engraved Token for Half a Guinea payable at Robert Wilson,

Sowerby Bridpe. ih dais cutaswiwesaiwendsctue dee eewaiess 9851 Testoon of Mary, 1555, by Misserwy...........2cceeeeeeeee 9894 The Chesney Gold Medal............0. eee eee ceeeee s neaieess 9911 Two curious engraved Tokens inthe form of Rings........... 9912 Pattern Halfpenny of George III, issued by Moore, 1788....... 9964 Pattern Penny of Victoria, 1860, by Joseph Moore............ 10006 Medal of the Royal National Eisteddfod at Caernarvon, 1877.... 10007 Portrait-medal ot Lawson Tait, 1890, by Joseph Moore........ 10007 Canterbury Half Groat of Henry VII., issued by Archbishop

MONON: .t.wiviteS eaaiere sees oudenncngkannmes tote wis 10018 St. Vincent Rebellion suppressed, 1773, by Georg Michael Moser. 10066 Union Penny, 1789, by Mossop.. ........- sees eee eee eeee 10068 Camac, Kyan and Camac Halfpenny, 1793, by Mossop........ 10068 Masonic School Medal, by Mossop.......... 2... seeeeeeees 10069 Portrait-medal of Dt Henry Quin by Mossop................ . 10069 Union Penny, 1789, by Mossop.......... cece e eee cee nee 10070 Portrait-medal of Dean Swift, by W. S. Mossop........... ... 40071 Portrait-medal of Admiral de Ruyter, by Milller............. - 10135 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, by P. H. Miiller.................. 10135 Portrait-medal of Lord Clive..........0.. 02. eee eee eee 10196 Portrait-medal of Sir Robert Walpole, by L. Natter........... 10202

FOREIGN COINS AND MEDALS, &c. Unpublished countermarked Dollar.....................05. 9513 Noble of Henry VI. countermarked with the arms of Haarlem... 95113 Medals-of Héenty Il (2) 6223 ances ioeceswayean awiies 9521, 9522 Pattern coin of Francis Il. and

Mary Stuart.............0-. 9521 Medal of Charles IX. and Cathe-

rine de’ Medici............. 9521 Catherine de’ Medici and her by Guillaume Martin

tHLEC SONS cee ete ce ead 9522 Obv. of Teston of Jeanned’Albret. 9522 Jeton of Jeanne d’Albret....... 9523 Enlargement of the Jeton of

Francis and Mary........... 9523 Portrait of Sir Richard Martyn, by Stephen of Holland........ 9524 Portrait-medal of Hans Maslitzer...... 0.20... 0... eee ee ee ees 9527 Charles IV. Founder of Carlsbad, commemorative medal...... 9648 Portrait-plaquette of Schiller... 0... 2. eee 9648 Decorative Medalet ss. iaci5.ienidatdomiu dea Paeenleneen 9649 Medal of Ferdinand I. of Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tuscany.... 9652 Medal of Christine of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany.... 9652 Portrait-medallion of Lorenzo di Medici................005- 9656 Portrait-medallion of Anthony of Burgundy................. 9656 Guadalaxara Proclamation Medal of Augustine I. of Mexico.... 9657 Medallic Half Scudo of Francesco II of Mantua.............. g71l Testone of Francesco Il of Mantua... .....0 2.0... cece ee eee ee 9711

XVil Index to Volume XV XVIII Pages Pages Obv. of medal of Gianfrancesco II Gonzaga................. 9712 | Portrait-medal of R. C. Sage, 1779, by Monzé....... ....... 9964 Bunter and. Bacchantes<- 20.55d2ecn05 seared veddedcueae cues 9712 | Pattern Five Franc piece of Charles X, by Moreau............ 10009 Antoine Perrenot, Cardinal Granvella, by Melone............ 9714 | Portrait-medallion of Louis Napoleon, Prince Imperial........ 10010 Bolognese Testone of Sixtus V........ 0.0.0 c cece eee eee 9716 | The so-called ‘* Bland” Dollar, 1878, by George T. Morgan... 10012 Portrait-medalet of Queen Wilhelmina of Holland............ 9718 | Portrait-Medal of Seneca, by Antoine Morillon............... 10014 Scudo of the Roman Republic, 1798, by Mercandetti..... .... 9721 | Scudo of Urban VIII., 1643, by Morone.................6... 1001 5 Portrait-medal of Michel Mercator..............0.0 0c eeeee 9723 | Medal for Merit of Pope Alexander VII., by Morone.......... 10016 Medal of Bonaparte, DY MGIC 5% Homhdaa conic aruetaes 9724 | Portrait-medal of Sigismund II. of Poland, by Giovan Maria Mosca. 10065 Pattern 20 Franc piece, 1848, by Louis Merley. ieee. vate 9768 | Souvenir Plaquette of the Paris Mint, by L. E. Mouchon...... 10074 Plaquette of the société royale belge des Aquarellistes......... 9774 | L’Espérance morte, by L. E. Mouchon. ................... 10074 Pattern Pistole of George III for Brunswick-Luneburg, 1767, by Portrait-plaquettes of Mlle and M. Mouchon................. 1007 5 EePINGOad tavarstcect ee deere tee: Deep oad tes 9778 | Tourelle de Chenonceaux, plaquette by L. E. Mouchon....... 10075 Louis XVIII, 5 Francs, 1817, by A. F. Michaut............ 9781 | Portrait-medal of Menelik II., Negus of Ethiopia............. 10076 Pattern Five Franc piece of Louis XVIII, 1815 (4™ type), cs French Pattern 10 Centimes, 1848, by Moullé................ 10125 Mic Nate, tot ace tee tee oe a eae ree eu ees 9781 | Portrait-medal of Gabriel Niitzel, 1569 (Obv.)............... 10128 Rx. of Medal commemorating the erecting of the French Eagle Portrait-medal of Lienhart Mair, 1555........2.000eeeeeeuee 10128 on the Banks of the Volga, 1812, by Michaut.............. 9782 | Portrait-medal of Sebastian and Justina Unterholzer, 1559..... 10128 Portrait-medal of Louis David, by Michaut.................. 9782 | Portrait-medal of Carl Ludwig von der Pfalz, by J. C. Miller... 10133 Belgian Nickel 10 Centimes, 1904, by A. Michaux............. 9783 | Admiral de Ruyter, 1666............0 cece cece ete ee eee ees 10135 Lecchino Of Belmonte: «.c.0c¢ esis en Vee sees ae aes 9825 | Portrait-badge of the Emperor Leopold and his son Joseph. .... 10137 Medal of Cosimo de’ Medici, attributed to Michelozzo......... 9833 | Battle of La Hogue, 1692, by P. H. Miller.................. 10137 Cameo-portrait of King René of Naples...................... 9835 | Portrait-medal of Johann Adam, Prince of Troppau......... 10137-8 Medal of René of Anjou and his consort, 1462, by Pietro da Thaler of John Philip, bishop of Passau, 1697............... 10138 Milan0s c4.452203 ee tntebaless aa nc ws Bowe ees pane cakes She 9835 | Medal of Franz Anton, archbishop of Salzburg............... 10139 Medal of René of Anjou, by Pietro da Milano................ 9836 | Medal of John William, Prince Elector Palatine, 1711......... 10139 Medal of Margaret of Anjou, by Pietro da Milano............. 9837 | Portrait-medal of Max Emmanuel of Bavaria (Obv.)........... 10140 Plaquette, attributed to Pietro da Milano.................... 9838 | Portrait-medal of the Empress Eleonora Magdalena Theresia Medal on the Battle of Talavera, 1809, by Mills and Lafitte..... 9841 (ODV2 ccs csccsdarretine eee hades anak by eaten ances 10140 Medal of the Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Warsaw, by Commemorative Medal of the Battle of Morgarten, by Huguenin. 10179 Jan Monheymer se: MOAR le aay WP Ree. Shae PE: Eds Ure Abe aca ie ae a 9844 Portrait-intaglio of Francisl. of France. ; 1OI 98 Portrait-medal of Lorenzo Ciglia Mocchi.................... 9896 | Battle of Marignano.. ........-.--- 10198 Medal of Alessandro di Gino Vecchietti..................... 9897 | Double Ducat of Francis. of Milan..... ( byMatteodalNassaro. 10199 The Adoration of the Magi, Plaquette by Moderno............ 9898 | Pattern Teston of Francis I.......... | 10199 Mars and Victory SS tlewavauweo: 9899 | Battle of Cerisoles................. \ Hercules and Cacus Se: § Auta alduaade 9899 Hercules strangling the Nemean Lion is. wc ee eee ee 9899 PORTRAITS OF ARTISTS , Circular Plaque by Moderno......... 9900 The Virgin, Plaquette by Moderno................. - eee eee 9900 | Antonin Mercié.... 0... ee cece eet ee eens 9724 Lucrezia, Circular Plaque by Moderno..................... 9901 | Robert Orchard........ ccc ec ee eens ae 9728 Medal on the ‘‘ Saffron-Mongers’”’ Festival at Zurich, 1774.... 9903 | Constantin Meunier...............0.0 cee eee eee eee ee eee 9774 A’ 16 Dollar Ingot, issued by Moffatt & Co...............0.. 9904: | JOSeDN.. MOO: ccd ions tad cote eased eee ieeickatldad 10005 Fallero of Cosimo II, 1610, by Gasp. Hola.................. 9905 | Antoine Morillon........ 0.0.0... ccc eee eee nees 10013 Portrait-badge of Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy, G06: 9905..| William Morris:...¢ sci. cae ead x4 Oe sad weds sets ease es 10018 Obv. of Portrait medal of Maria Magdalena of Austria......... 9906 | Lous: Eugene: Mouchon oi. cose sien ce ve meds tigen dees 10073 Portrait-badge of Charles of Lorraine, Prince of Vaudemont.... 9908 Médaille commémorative de I’Inauguration de la Monnaie fede- GENERAL ILLUSTRATIONS Fale: a: Bethe: 1907 sv sc5 tis eee dw bl he oeanse ee bates ghee 9939 Portrait-medal of the Grand Dauphin (obv.), by Molard....... 9954 | Mill and press for coining........... 0.0.2... eee eee eee 9772 Pattern Five-Franc pieces (3), by Montagny................. 9960.) Colmer at Wor. 22406 oui au ela eaeee eee Gide Bawes 9846 Pattern Five Franc piece, 1815, by Pierre Antoine Montagny.. 9961 | Der: MUQZMCISterasccc cee cansand sudden eyes dels 9846 Medal of Archduke Albert, 1596, by Jean de Montfort......... 9963 | Monetary workshop under Louis XI Of Prances sss urican dances 9847 Memorial medal of Charles Alexandre de Croy, by Montfort.... 9963 | Autograph of Joh. Lorenz Natter............0.. 00.00.0000 eee 10204




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Vol. XV. 169




December 1906





HE Monthly Numismatic Circular will be "E Secwmead post free on receipt of half-a- crown (= 3 francs = 21 marks = 60 U. S. A. cents, in P, O. O. or stamps) for one year’s subscription,

Should any applicant mot receive it regu- larly by post, please notify ‘the somission to us, when it shall be at once rectified. All communications respecting the Numismatic Circular (either referring to its literary por- tion or to its catalogue of coins, &c. for sale) should be made to our West-End house, 17 and 18 Piccadilly, London, W., where all letters and orders will receive immediate attention.

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